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News 2020
AMWS Councillor Mr Malcolm Longstaff OAM Remembered - 30/12/2020
Recently retired and long serving AMWS Councillor Malcolm Longstaff OAM passed away peacefully at his nursing home in Sydney on the 19th December 2020. My friend Malcolm Longstaff - Eulogy by Alan Tait OAM 30th December 2020 - see file immediately below.
AMWS long serving Councillors Mr Malcolm Longstaff and Mr Simon Liddy retire. November 2020
Mr David Parmeter, Chair AMWS commented on their contribution to AMWS as follows: Two long serving Councillors in Malcolm Longstaff and Simon Liddy retired in 2020. Both have made outstanding contributions over many years. Malcolm took a particular interest in the history of AMWS and his work ensured our remarkable story was recorded, while Simon and his firm provided pro-bono legal support and sound advice. On behalf of everyone involved with AMWS I thank them for their service and wish them well. |
COVID 19 Impacts on Seafarers. AMWS Chairman's statement. - 2nd September 2020
Mr David Parmeter, Chairman of the Australian Mariners Welfare Society has today issued a Statement on the impacts on seafarers caused by COVID 19. David's full statement can be read by opening the file immediately below.
ReCAAP 2020 January to June Report. Piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia. July 2020
Piracy continues to be a worldwide problem for mariners. IMB and ReCAAP have recently published their piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia January to June 2020 reports. AMWS maintains an ongoing financial commitment via ISWAN to assist seafarers and families affected by piracy. |
AMWS redirects $10000 donation to ISWAN Seafarers Emergency Fund. Sydney: 1st May 2020
Because of COVID 19 impacts on seafarers worldwide, AMWS's regular $10000 donation to ISWAN's anti-piracy fund has this year been redirected to their crowd-funding appeal supporting affected seafarers and families. The ISWAN Seafarers Emergency Fund provides immediate, essential aid to seafarers and families severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Chairman Alan Tait has asked AMWS members to join him in expressing thanks to all involved in recent efforts to support the crew on board the Ruby Princess. April 2020
With the assistance of the local Port Kembla community, over 1100 care packages were prepared and distributed to each crew member on board. In particular, Alan said that key organisers of this response should be recognised. These include Nicole Dillon (the ideas person), John Kewa (MTS), NSW Ports Authority, Good360 founder Alison Covington, local MP Paul Scully, Alison Scully and the Kollaras Group who provided transport and logistics. A well done to all involved |
AMWS Annual Jim Israel Tall Ship Sail Training Award. Sydney - 8th March 2020
In 2019, AMWS established the annual Jim Israel Tall Ship Sail Training Award in recognition of Jim's many years of service to the organisation. The fully funded award provides a young Australian of moderate means with an opportunity to experience 10 days "life at sea" on board the national sail training vessel STS Young Endeavour. AMWS is delighted to announce that the 2020 recipient of the award as now been selected. Full details of the voyage and candidate will be announced by the last week of March 2020. March 2020: Due to COVID 19, Young Endeavour voyages have been cancelled until further notice. |
ReCAAP 2019 Annual Piracy Report. Sydney 7th March 2020
Piracy continues to be a worldwide problem for mariners. IMB and ReCAAP have recently published their annual reports for 2019. Although the overall number of incidents has declined in recent times, several hot-spots remain. AMWS maintains an ongoing financial commitment via ISWAN to assist seafarers and families affected by piracy. |
AMWS continues its commitment to the Australian Seafarers Welfare Council.
The Australian Seafarers Welfare Council met in Perth on the 19th February 2020. These meetings, which are part of Australia's compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention are chaired by AMSA. Alan Tait, the AMWS Chairman attended on behalf of the Society. Agenda items included the coronavirus and its impact on seafarers, "seafarer connect" - a new mobile modem system for visiting seafarers currently being trialed in Botany Bay, 2019 second half MLC complaints and incidences received by AMSA and the upcoming AMSA MLC Report, expected to be published in March 2020 |
AMWS Chairman Captain Alan Tait OAM stands down. Sydney - 18th February 2020
At today's AMWS Councillors meeting, Captain Alan Tait announced that he would be stepping down as Chairman at the next AMWS annual general meeting to be held in May 2020. Alan has served as Chairman for 15 years. Mr David Parmeter has been nominated as Alan's replacement. A formal hand-over of positions will take place at the AGM in May. |