AMWS News 2021
Australian Maritime College thanks AMWS for its continuing Scholarship Support, December 2021
"We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Australian Mariner’s Welfare Society for their generous support of the University of Tasmania Scholarship Program. Their commitment to this Program is deeply valued by the University and has an immediate and beneficial impact on the lives of the recipients, their families, and the broader community. Best Wishes for the New Year". Australian Maritime College Scholarship Co-ordinator |
Neptune Declaration December 2021 Update.
Original Objectives: • Raise Awareness about the on-going crew change crisis. • Build momentum around the concrete actions to address the situation contained in the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change. • Demonstrate the willingness of leading stakeholders in the maritime industry and beyond to work together to address the situation. Current Status: • There were 327 Signatories at launch, and the number has reached 862 by December 2021. • There have been 3,270 media mentions and 3,270 social media posts identified by mid-December. The file below contains the ND December 2021 Update in full.
Neptune Declaration. Crew Change Indicator. December 2021 update.
The December Indicator shows that the number of seafarers onboard vessels beyond the expiry of their contract has decreased from 7.1% to 4.7% in the last month. The December Indicator also shows that 49.5% of seafarers from the sample have been vaccinated. This corresponds to an increase of 8.5 percentage points since November. The December 2021 Update is attached below
Newcastle MTS. November 2021
AMWS Councillor @jeanine_drummond had the honour of representing @nauticalinstitute today in presenting the Mission to Seafarers Newcastle team with a Nautical Institute certification of appreciation for their outstanding commitment (and perseverance) in working to provide visiting seafarers with Covid vaccinations. Thank you to all in the port and health community’s across New South Wales making this possible in our ports. |
AMWS November Councillors Meeting, MTS Sydney. 23rd November 2021
The final AMWS Councillors meeting for 2021 was held at the Mission to Seafarers Sydney. Issues discussed and reports received included the following; Progress report on the vaccination of seafarers, issues to consider during the review of the AMWS Charter, proposed MLC funding model for seafarers welfare, adoption of a new AMWS Communication Plan, new members, AMWS donations to seafarer welfare groups, Port Welfare Committee reports, ASWC report, AMWS Scholarship report, AMWS sponsored Sail Training updates, report on the forthcoming Mariners Lifeline Newsletter, AMWS Finance and Investment reports, website report and the AMWS Horizon Towers accommodation report |
Neptune Declaration. Crew Change Indicator. November 2021 update.
The November 2021 Indicator shows that the number of seafarers onboard vessels beyond the expiry of their contract has decreased from 7.9% to 7.1% As vaccinations are critical in solving the crew change crisis, the November Indicator shows that the aggregate percentage of seafarers from the sample who have been vaccinated has risen from 31% in October to 41% in November. The November 21 Update is attached below
Stella Maris Australia thank AMWS for their ongoing financial support. November 2021
SMA Chair Mr Ray Collins has recently written to Chairman Mr David Parmeter to thank AMWS for its ongoing financial support. Ray particularly thanked the Society for its assistance to the SMA national office and its grants to fund centres and chaplaincies around the Australian coast. A copy of the Stella Maris Australia letter is attached below
AMWS Councillor Jeanine Drummond interviewed by Lena Gothberg of the Shipping Podcast. Episode 174, November 2021.
In this episode, Jeanine and Lena discuss the importance of modern maritime leadership, which is somewhat different from the traditional leadership often found throughout the industry. They also discuss the importance of not just trying to blend in but speaking up on key issues to seize the opportunity to make a difference. The complete Shipping Podcast interview can be heard via the audio link below. |
First Malcolm Longstaff Memorial Scholarship awarded at AMC. Semester 2, 2021.
The AMWS Scholarship Committee is pleased to report that the initial recipient of this scholarship is Joshua. Twenty year old Joshua is studying for a Bachelor of Applied Science ( Marine Engineering). He has done well in his studies so far and he was the first recommendation of the AMC Selection Committee. Members will recall that Joshua was awarded an AMWS Scholarship for Semester 1 this year. Being an outstanding candidate however and one who fully meets the AMWS selection criteria, the Committee agreed to award him a further scholarship for the second part of the year. Well done Joshua. |
AMWS attends latest Australian Seafarers Welfare Council Zoom Meeting. 27th October 2021.
A full agenda was presented to ASWC members by the AMSA Secretariat. Issues discussed and considered included expanded ASWC membership, future ASWC funding initiatives, MLC complaints lodged with AMSA, the ASWC strategic plan, the national Covid 19 vaccination programme for seafarers, ILO update, ITF update, Port Welfare Committee updates, latest AMSA safety bulletins and general business |
A message from the AMWS Chairman David Parmeter on World Maritime Day, 30th September 2021
"The 30th of September 2021 is World Maritime Day. The purpose of the day is to recognise the essential role of the maritime industry and to underline the importance of maritime security, the maritime environment, safety, and the global shipping industry. The theme for this year is “Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future.” David's full statement can be heard on the audio link below. |
World Maritime Day. A message from Dr Michelle Grech of AMSA. 30th September 2021
Dr Michelle Grech shares her story about how seafarers have shaped her thinking as a marine engineer, and now in her role as AMSA’s Manager Vessel Operations Manager, how she works to support seafarer welfare more broadly through engagement with port welfare providers, policy development and safety campaigns. |
From the AMWS Chairman, Mr David Parmeter 9th Sept 2021
"Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak at the MTS National Conference, which is being held on line. This was a result of AMWS being one of the sponsors of the event. The message I emphasised is that AMWS is here to support all organisations engaged in assisting seafarers, especially MTS and Stella Maris. In this regard I stressed that the process of applying for special grants is straightforward and user friendly, and explained how to make an application. My message was well received! Gary Dodds made some very kind remarks and asked that I pass on to all Councillors the appreciation of everyone at MTS for the work we do. An interesting topic raised while I was on line was about the New Zealand funding model with a levy on industry. Senior figures in MTS clearly indicated that they looking to the Australian Government to do something similar here. This would not be to the exclusion of the financial support provided by AMWS (and SBU for the NSW stations) but rather a way of ensuring economic viability for the various stations in circumstances where the traditional sources of income are rapidly declining". |
Vale John Coombs. September 2021.
The Australian Mariners Welfare Society mourns the recent passing of leading maritime industry figure John Coombs. John was best known as National Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia, but he was also at one time on the Council of Sydney Sailor’s Home, the predecessor organisation to AMWS. John played an important role representing the ITF and the interests of seafarers, and his contribution was greatly appreciated. Our thoughts go to his wife Gwen and family. Vale John Coombs. |
AMWS & Hunterlink, Zoom Meeting. 6th Sept. 21.
Via Zoom, AMWS Councillors met with managers from Hunterlink, the employee assistance provider that specialises in the maritime industry. The purpose of the meeting was to find ways the two organisations could work together to promote and improve seafarer welfare going forward. Outcomes of the meeting included: AMWS and Hunterlink to liaise directly to assist with issues around access to vessels and seafarers, particularly within Newcastle; AMWS and Hunterlink are members of Australian Seafarers Welfare Committee. Both organisations have agreed to discuss future agenda items prior to meetings so as to identify shared interests. AMWS will provide Hunterlink with an outline of its key programmes such as the maritime scholarship and tall ship sail training initiatives. Hunterlink have been asked to provide an article about their activities for publication on AMWS social media and within its newsletter "Mariners Lifeline". |
Statement from the AMWS Chairman, Mr David Parmeter, Merchant Navy Day, 3rd September 2021
Today, Friday 3 rd September is Merchant Navy Day. This is the day when all Australian’s are asked to remember the contribution made by our merchant seafarers in wartime and especially all those who lost their lives in the service of the nation. As we pause to reflect on the sacrifice of Australian merchant seafarers, as a community we should extend our gratitude to all seafarers working today and acknowledge the vital contribution they make to keep trade moving and the economy functioning. Unfortunately, today’s seafarers also face challenging circumstances, not due to war but due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. see the full statement in the file below
Marine Safety Queensland. August 2021
MSQ is working with Queensland Health to progress vaccination options for international seafarers visiting QLD ports. Vaccination of international seafarers is important for the health and safety of maritime crew who are critical to the continuity of shipping, supply chains and essential trade. Equally, it is important for the health and safety of Queensland's port workers and wider Queensland community, as a vaccinated person is less likely to contract and transmit COVID-19.
Source: Courier Mail Brisbane
More details - see page "Covid 19 - 2021 Impacts on seafarers"
MSQ is working with Queensland Health to progress vaccination options for international seafarers visiting QLD ports. Vaccination of international seafarers is important for the health and safety of maritime crew who are critical to the continuity of shipping, supply chains and essential trade. Equally, it is important for the health and safety of Queensland's port workers and wider Queensland community, as a vaccinated person is less likely to contract and transmit COVID-19.
Source: Courier Mail Brisbane
More details - see page "Covid 19 - 2021 Impacts on seafarers"
AMWS is a signatory of the Neptune Declaration. N.D. Crew Change Indicator - August 2021 Update
Data from August 2021 shows that only 15.3% of international seafarers have been vaccinated against Covid-19. In comparison, the share of the population fully vaccinated in large shipping nations in Europe, North America and Asia is at around 50%. This shows that despite progress in seafarer vaccinations, their rates are much behind those of large shipping nations. “Seafarers must be recognised as key workers and given priority access to Covid-19 vaccines. This is key to protect seafarers’ wellbeing and the functioning of global supply chains,” Global Maritime Forum August 2021.
Seafarers International Relief Fund. August 2021
SIRF has thanked all those contributors, including AMWS, who recently donated to the fund. "Thanks to your generosity, the Seafarers International Relief Fund (SIRF), has raised over US$1.1m in donations. This is an incredible response to the most desperate seafarer need witnessed in our lifetimes. Industry, individuals, associations and Charitable Trusts and Foundations responded swiftly and generously. Thanks to you we have funded more than US$790,000 of urgent welfare support, implemented by our delivery partners, across the worst hit areas of India". A copy of the August 2021 SIRF Bulletin is attached below
AMWS Councillors Zoom Meeting. 17th August 2021
At the AMWS Zoom Meeting held today, Councillors considered the following main issues affecting seafarers. 1: Grants to MTS & AOS is excess of $100000 for the period ahead. 2: Future maritime scholarships offered by AMWS at the Australian Maritime College, henceforth to be named the "AMWS Malcolm Longstaff Scholarship(s)" in recognition of Malcolm's long service to the Society. 3: The approval & adoption of the recently drafted AMWS Communication Plan. 4: Reports and issues arising from the recent Australian Seafarers Welfare Council and the Sydney Port Welfare Committee. 5: The on going serious impact that the Covid 19 pandemic is having on crew changes in Australian ports. 6: Covid impacts on the Societies' tall-ship sail training programme. 7: Internal financial reports. Photo: Happy AMWS Councillors meeting via Zoom 17th Aug. |
AMSA releases their 2020 MLC Annual Report. July 2021
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has recently published the 2020 Australian, Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) annual report. This report presents an analysis of MLC complaints, compliance and follow up actions undertaken by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) in Australia. The data represents 2020 statistics, with a comparison to the previous four years. The report aims to present a baseline of findings on some of the issues uncovered in 2020 related to operations of the MLC in Australian waters. The Report can be found via the following link |
AMWS / Sydney Cove Rotary Club "Trevor Haworth" Tall Ship Sail Training Programme outcomes. July 2021
Patrick from Stepping Stone House, a 2018 Trevor Haworth Tall Ship training awardee, was so struck by life at sea during his voyage on STS Young Endeavour that he subsequently enlisted as a volunteer at the Sydney Maritime Museum. Patrick then also completed a Deck Hand Course via TAFE. As of July 2021, Patrick has now achieved a significant goal and has been employed full time by Captain Cook Cruises. Congratulations Patrick, great effort and well done. Patrick, supported by Jason Juretic from SSH, is shown at left on his return to Sydney on the STS Young Endeavour in 2018 |
AMWS Councillor and Scholarship Coordinator Mr Llew Russell receives thanks from UTS. July 2021
The University of Tasmania recently wrote to AMWS Councillor and Scholarship Coordinator, Mr Llew Russell, to thank the Society for its past and ongoing support to train young seafarers at the Australian Maritime College. For a number of years, AMWS has provided 2 scholarships per semester to students studying deck and marine engineering qualifications. A copy of the UTS letter can be read in the file immediately below
Australian Mariners Welfare Society. 2nd July 2021.
AMWS Chairman Mr David Parmeter has recently written to the Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (D.I.T.R.D. & C), to support other like minded maritime welfare organisations in seeking the introduction of a COVID 19 vaccination programme for all seafarers. A copy of David's correspondence appears below.
AMWS Councillor Capt. Jeanine Drummond visits Dampier MTS. June 2021
In late June, one of AMWSs' Councillors, Jeanine Drummond was visiting Dampier, and took an opportunity to meet the team at the Mission to Seafarers, while exploring the Pilbara region. Jeanine said 'It was great to see how Momette has transitioned the mission shop to an online facility to cater for seafarer personal needs while also delivering care packs to the visiting seafarers who can no longer enjoy shore leave'. Momette is supported in this work by volunteers including local marine pilot John Lynch and his wife Trish, providing great volunteer help, and also sourcing donated magazines and reading material to go in the packs to the seafarers. Jeanine also commented that 'much effort was going into ensuring woman seafarers had gender personalised packs, including relevant reading material'. |
The Australian Mariners Welfare Society donates a further $20,000 to the Seafarers International Relief Fund. 30th June 2021
The Seafarers International Relief Fund (SIRF) has been established to create a central fund to respond to the increasing and desperate needs of seafarers resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Seafarers have been the invisible victims of COVID-19, with hundreds of thousands of crew suffering emotional and psychological hardship due to travel restrictions imposed by governments around the world. The Fund’s initial focus is to assist Indian seafarers and their families, but it will also help seafarers across the world. More details can be found at |
The Day of the Seafarer. 25th June 2021. A message from the AMWS Chairman, Mr David Parmeter.
AMWS supports and adopts the views expressed by the IMO. We join the call for all Governments to do two things: firstly to recognise seafarers as key workers and facilitate crew changes; secondly to ensure all seafarers are vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. Please see file below for IMO's full statement.
The 2021 Trevor Hawarth Sail Training Completion Certificate Presentation: 18th June 2021
Jointly funded by Sydney Cove Rotary and the Australian Mariners Welfare Society (AMWS), this programme provides an opportunity for young people at risk to experience life at sea on Australia's premier sail training ship "STS Young Endeavour". The photo at left shows Stepping Stone House resident Dillion receiving his Certificate from SCR's Bill Little, during a recent breakfast presentation in Sydney. Well done Dillion from both AMWS and SCR. |
Maritime Industry Australia Limited MAX Magazine "Member Updates" Section. Edition 2101. June 2021.
MAX Magazine has just published a background article, written by the AMWS Chair Mr David Parmeter, on the Society's history, development, current activities and future directions. A copy of David's MAX article is contained in the file below
Newcastle: Merchant Navy Memorial Service. 5th June 2021.
Last Sunday, AMWS Councillor Jeanine Drummond attended the Newcastle Memorial Service for merchant mariners lost at sea in times of war. The service, held at the Newcastle Mission to Seafarers, was attended by Sharon Claydon, MP for Swansea, Jodie Harrison MP for Charlestown and the Newcastle Deputy Lord Mayor. Jon Drummond acted as MC with Iain Steverson and Alan Budd from the Newcastle Merchant Navy Memorial Service Committee, also in attendance. As part of the ceremony, MP Ms Sharon Claydon delivered a moving speech about the significance of the Merchant Navy Memorial to the local community, including to those local seafarers who served on vessels of the US Army Small Ships fleet during World War 2. Next years service will be held on June 4th at 11am. |
The Australian Mariners Welfare Society donates $20,000 to the Seafarers International Relief Fund. 26th May 2021.
Leading seafarer welfare charities and shipping industry players have launched an emergency relief fund to support seafarers and their families devastated by the rampant COVID-19 pandemic in India and other countries. The Seafarers International Relief Fund has set a target of US $1 million. It has been established by bringing together leading international seafarer welfare organisations, The Seafarers’ Charity (formerly Seafarers UK) supported by The Mission to Seafarers, ISWAN, Sailors’ Society, Stella Maris, and other charities (including AMWS) – in a united appeal to the shipping industry – to deliver urgent support to seafarers and their families in India. See Seafarers International Relief Fund update below.
Life membership Presentations to Captain Alan Tait OAM & Mr Malcolm Longstaff OAM: AMWS AGM. Sydney 18th May 2021.
At yesterdays Annual General Meeting of AMWS, the long serving and recently retired Chairman, Captain Alan Tait OAM, was presented with Life Membership. This honour was also awarded to another long serving Councillor Mr Malcolm Longstaff. Sadly Malcolm passed away recently. The current Chairman, Mr David Parmeter made the presentations on behalf of the Society. David's remarks recognising Alan's and Malcolm's long service are contained within the file below.
Neptune Declaration Update. May 2021
World wide, as of May 2021 there are 814 Signatories to the Neptune Declaration. Excluding Instagram and Linkedin, there have been 2590 social media mentions and 3290 posts relating to the ND. Full ND Update is attached below.
IMO declares 25th June 2021 as their "Fair Future 4 Seafarers" Day
"In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, seafarers found themselves both on the front line of the global response and subject to difficult working conditions surrounding uncertainties and difficulties around port access, re-supply, crew changeovers, repatriation, etc. The 2021 Day of the Seafarer campaign is structured to encourage governments to support seafarers amid the pandemic but will expand its message, calling for a fair future for seafarers". |
After finding numerous and serious deficiencies, AMSA bans foreign ship from Australian ports. 30th April 2021
AMSA has banned the Panama-flagged bulk carrier, Movers 3, after months of detention in Weipa for appalling working and living conditions, and serious maintenance failures. The operator, Aswan Shipping has shown a complete disregard for its obligations to provide decent working and living conditions for its seafarers, and had not ensured its ships were maintained so they were safe for the crew and Australia’s marine environment. |
AMWS provides 2 more AMC Scholarships First Semester - 2021
Following recommendations from the AMC scholarship committee, AMWS has confirmed two scholarships for students studying at the Australian Maritime College in the first semester 2021. The AMWS Council wishes both of these students, Mattias and Joshua all the best with their ongoing degree studies in nautical science and marine engineering. |
The Trevor Howarth Memorial Sail Training Scholarship's most recent recipient, Dillion returned to Sydney on 14th April 2021.
On arrival Dillon was met by the AMWS Chair Mr David Parmeter and Mr Bill Little of Sydney Cove Rotary. Dillon's initial comments about his experiences on board included the following; "I found the voyage on the Young Endeavour a challenging but immensely rewarding experience. I particularly appreciated the companionship and interaction with the other trainees (and the good food).” Dillon is pictured at left holding his STS Young Endeavour Completion Certificate. Well done Dillon. |
56th Annual Commemoration at the Merchant Navy Memorial in Sydney - Sunday 11th March 2021
Our thanks to the DCN for the following report. LAST Sunday a chilly, bright and blustery day in Sydney, seafarers, their families and associates gathered at the Rookwood Necropolis for the 56th annual commemoration at the Merchant Navy Memorial and Columbarium. In his opening remarks, Merchant Navy War Memorial Fund chairman David Field drew attention to the plight of modern seafarers during the pandemic period while also paying tribute to the seafarers who served during the two world wars. See the AMWS Facebook page for the full DCN article. |
The AMWS and Sydney Cove Rotary Club "Trevor Howarth Memorial Sail Training Scholarship" recipient Dillion set sail today on the STS Young Endeavour. 4th April 2021
Dillion set sail today from Waterhen Naval Base along with 16 other scholarship and ballot recipients on the Young Endeavour's third voyage this year. The voyage is Sydney return Sydney 16th April 2021. The pre-departure picture of Dillion with Alan Tait & Bill Little (left) supports the ongoing strong relationship that exists between the Australian Mariners Welfare Society and the Sydney Cove Rotary Club. |
The 56th Annual Commemoration at the Merchant Navy Memorial and Columbarium will be held on Sunday, April 11, 2021 commencing 1100 hours at the Rookwood Necropolis.
Rear Admiral Mark Hammond, AM, RAN Commander Australian Fleet will be guest speaker. See the attached file for full details.
AMWS Jim Israel Young Endeavour Sail Training Scholarship Update. March 2021
Jim Israel AMWS Scholarship recipient Braedon receives his Programme Completion Certificate from the Captain of Young Endeavour. YE Youth Scheme advise, "On board, the specially trained Royal Australian Navy staff crew taught the “youthies” how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, including how to navigate, keep watch, climb the mast, set and furl the sails, cook in the galley and take the helm. While crewing the ship they also learned leadership skills, self-confidence and how to work in a team. The youth crew also had a digital detox with no phones and social media, and were encouraged to explore personal and team goals". Well done Braedon AMWS would like to thank the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme, the Salvation Army Youth Link and Anglicare for their support and assistance with the Jim Israel Scholarship programme |
AMWS Jim Israel Young Endeavour Sail Training Scholarship Update. March 2021
Jim Israel AMWS Scholarship recipient Natasha receives her Programme Completion Certificate from the Captain of Young Endeavour. YE Youth Scheme advise, "On board, the specially trained Royal Australian Navy staff crew taught the “youthies” how to sail a square-rigged tall ship, including how to navigate, keep watch, climb the mast, set and furl the sails, cook in the galley and take the helm. While crewing the ship they also learned leadership skills, self-confidence and how to work in a team. The youth crew also had a digital detox with no phones and social media, and were encouraged to explore personal and team goals". Well done Natasha AMWS would like to thank the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme, the Salvation Army Youth Link and Anglicare for their support and assistance with the Jim Israel Scholarship programme |
ReCAAP Piracy Incident Summary 2020
A total of 97 incidents (comprising 95 actual incidents and two attempted incidents) of piracy and armed robbery against ships were reported in Asia in 2020. This accounts for a 17% increase in the total number of incidents, and a 32% increase in actual incidents reported in 2020 compared to 2019. |
Two AMWS Jim Israel Sail Training Scholarship recipients set sail on the STS Young Endeavour. 9th March 2021
The Young Endeavour sailed from the RAN's Small Ship Base at Waverton at 4pm on the 9th March with two Jim Israel scholarship recipients, Natasha and Braedon on board. . Pictured left: Natasha and Braedon with AMWS Councillors Alan Tait and Graham Lightfoot. |
AMWS Signs the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change. 6th march 2021.
Chair Mr David Parmeter, has today confirmed that the Australian Mariners Welfare Society has become a signatory to the Neptune Declaration. AMWS joins more than 700 international signatories to do so. The Neptune Declaration urges the implementation of four main actions to address the current crewing crisis:
Seafarer Connect - International Seafarers in NSW one click closer to home and family. February 2021.
Via the Tas Bull Seafarers Foundation and in support of their initiative to bring free high-speed WIFI to seafarers in NSW, AMWS is pleased to announce that it has provided a $10,000 grant to support the programme. |
"Shrinking Australian Fleet leaves Australia exposed" Greg Sheridan, Foreign Editor, The Australian, 17th February 2021
The Australian article referred to above was published by MIAL in their Weekly Summary, 23rd February 2021. The complete article can be read within the file below.
Jim Israel Memorial Sail Training Scholarships on STS Young Endeavour to resume shortly. February 2021
Following the cancellation of the 2020 programme due to Covid, the STS Young Endeavour is shortly to resume its sail training programme. Via a selection process conducted by the Salvation Army and Anglicare, AMWS is delighted to announce that it will be sponsoring two candidates in March / April this year. In conjunction with Sydney Rotary and as part of the Trevor Haworth Memorial Award, it will also be co-sponsoring an additional trainee during the same period |
John Dewa - Wollongong Citizen of the Year. January 2021
On behalf of the Council and Members of Australian Mariners Welfare Society I congratulate you on being names Wollongong’s Citizen of the Year for 2021. The work you do as Manager and Chaplain of the Port Kembla Mission to Seafarers is outstanding and it is excellent to see this sort of recognition from the broader community. All of us who followed the misfortunes inflicted upon the crew of the Ruby Princess while it was stranded in Port Kembla last year, understand and appreciate the vital role played by the Mission in providing badly needed assistance to those unfortunate individuals. Moreover the leadership shown by yourself in rallying the community to join this cause means this award is richly deserved. Once again congratulations and best regards. David Parmeter, Chairman AMWS |
The Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change.
Australian Mariners Welfare Society supports the Neptune Declaration. The ongoing difficulties created by the COVID pandemic preventing seafarers joining and leaving vessels is a humanitarian crisis on a massive scale. It is afflicting thousands of the world’s seafarers and their families. Urgent action is required by governments at all levels to stop this needless suffering. For this reason over 300 companies and organisations have committed to the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change in a worldwide call to action to end the unprecedented crew change crisis caused by COVID-19. AMWS welcomes this development and lends its voice to the demand for urgent action. Neptune Declaration 2021
Total AMWS grants and donations for seafarer welfare now exceed A$2.38m. January 2021
Since 2006, AMWS has provided grants, donations, scholarships, project funding and welfare payments to maritime related charities, students and other recipients exceeding A$2.38m The breakdown is as follows - projects 36%, welfare providers 40%, MTS / AOS line items 13%, scholarships 7% and other donations 4% The AMWS Chairman David Parmeter today said that the organisation is proud of what it had achieved to date. He also committed AMWS to carry on its involvement in seafarer welfare into the future. |